Not too long ago, to our surprise, we found out we were having a baby and there began our parenthood journey.

6 months or 25 weeks and 6 days into the pregnancy, on January 2, 2010 our baby boy decided he'd had enough time in the womb and that he wanted to join our world.
Kieran McGuire Joseph Born: January 2, 2010 at 11:35pm, weighing: 1.5lbs.

Kieran, we are finding out has many admirers. My husband Corin and I have been touched by all the letters/ phone calls and emails we have received sending us words of encouragement through this time. In response I wanted to give everyone a way to be able to follow along with Kieran's progress and see recent pictures.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Oh where, oh where have my brain cells gone???

I vaguely remember someone telling me that when you have a baby you lose 50% of your brain cells.  I recall thinking that's impossible there's no way that could happen they must just be tired....well now I have proof and unfortunately the proof is from my own experience.

A few weekends ago we had to take our dog to the groomers.  I don't really drive a whole lot in Hamilton so Corin usually takes Molly to the groomers but this time I decided to go with him so I knew where to take her in the future.  So we dropped Molly off grabbed a coffee and headed home.  About an hour later Corin needed me to go to the store to pick up something for him.  Off I went and when I arrived home I noticed that Molly didn't greet me at the door which is really unusual.  So I started looking for her in the house, I was searching all the rooms calling her name and as the seconds went by my heart was racing more and more.  Then I ran to the front door thinking maybe she ran out after me and I didn't notice.  I went outside called her name, no Molly!!  I ran back into the house frantic thinking she must have taken off and I start calling for Corin.   It's about this time that Corin, who has heard me running back and forth,  finally realized that I have forgotten that we took the dog to the groomers.  So when I called out in panic "Molly is lost!" my husband who was hiding in the basement so I couldn't hit him when I realized how hard he was laughing at my obvious stupidity finally told me that she was at the groomers.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! How could I be that forgetful?  Molly had been gone less than 2 hours and at no point until Corin stopped me did my memory kick in to remind me of that, and the worst part is that it's not the first time and I am sure it wont be the last. I'm surprised I managed to finish writing this post without having to proof read it in order to remember what I was writing about.  I hope my brain cells return soon or else Kieran and I will be starting school together!!

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